8-bit day is the 256th day of the year. This year (and most years) that happens to be Gregorian September 13th. Five years ago I proposed making today an (un)official holiday in honor of all things 8-bit: art, music, video, games, and sure programmers too.
The Math
If you start the year with day 0, in the year 2014, 2014-09-13 (or 2014-256) is day number 255.
- 255 decimal = FF hex
- FF hex = 11111111 binary
- 11111111 binary = 8 bits.
Enjoy some 8-bit stuff
- 8-bit music on last.fm
- CC by-nc-nd 8-bit mp3s
- Pretty Eight Machine (as noted)
- 8 bit YouTube tribute
- 8 bit Halo episodes: intro, 2, 3, etc.
- Blade Runner - 8 Bit Cinema!
See Also
- Wikipedia: Programmer's Day
Previously I kept this on my wiki, which is unfortunately still on pbworks.com, so starting this year, I'm retaking that content and blogging it here on my site, until I've implemented my own wiki pages. I'll write a new post once a year, like I have in past years.
Post your favorite 8-bit stuff
Take a moment today to post and celebrate the 8-bit things that you've found and enjoy, and hashtag it #8bitday (e.g. on your own site, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)